Let's see I haven't written for very long. Therefore, today's entry will be a super long one. Yah! This is totally dedicated to P15. I find this entry's quote just right. Anyway I left it hanging with my P15 class. So from left to right: 1st row: Samantha, Kavita, Yilin, Man Ping, Mun Ling, Amanda, Miss Luo, Winnie, Hannah, Me 2nd row:William, Janson, Zi Shen(G), Benjamin, Terence, Rohan, Darrell, Steven, Maggesh 3rd row: Abel, Wei Siew, Guang Zu At first I was saying I miss my T1 class but I think I will miss P15 more because we have spent more time together. There is only one more week before I will leave. I praying that if cjc does not accept me which they better, srjc will not accept me and I go back to yjc. Actually it doesn't really matter because everyone is going to different schools. I will miss the teachers there too. Samantha and Yilin are very nice people. Tend to laugh which can be contagious. Very friendly too. Amanda very friendly too. Very cheerful girl. Also the only other catholic in my class. Hannah very cute. She also very funny. She is totally crazy about Jerry from F4. I love them to bits and I don't mean it that way but in a friend friend way. There is also Kavita. She is the uno provider and very loud. Winnie the quite quiet girl. Fun to talk to. Mun Ling. She very cute also. She laugh very funny. Man Ping is a bit like me that's why we can click. Abel withdrew very fast but I sometimes talk to him on msn. Steven is from Indonesia and I think he just went back and withdrew. Darrell after the O level results came out he never came to school. He is one to predict when he would be sick. There is Maggesh who is kind of a loner but thanks to 2 girls from St. nicks especially a girl called Sam he opens up more. There is Zi Shen and Janson who were retained. Kind of sad but if they had not been we would have never met them. Janson is gang leader then Zi Shen is gang leader father. Both are very friendly people who try to make people laugh in their own ways. William is damn smart and runs super fast then he is like the quiet pro for pool and who knows what else. Next there is Rohan and Ben. The 2 of them are joined in a way. Ben is the bloody pervert and can be irritating but Rohan keeps him under control by scolding him. There is Terence and Wei Siew. Terence like knows lots of stuff. Not book smart but street smart stuff. Wei Siew is a honest guy. Our class had a chalet from Friday to Sunday. Very fun. First day had only me, Sam, Yilin, Amanda, Guang Zu, Rohan, Ben, William, Terence, Zi Shen and Wei Siew. I bought along taboo and the magic 8 ball. Janson asked the question "Am I retarded?" and kept making everyone ask the same question. During our break we went to library basement to play taboo. We were very loud. Some of us were screaming away. After school ended, I had to wait for 6 of them to finish detention. We took a bus 39 there and had to get instructions from G but in the end when we see him and Terence at the bus stop then we stop. Had dinner at the food court at white sands. I ordered fried oyster and it tasted horrible. The starch was not totally cooked and the egg was too fried. We wanted to rent Shutter but couldn't since William did not bring the remote so could not change subtitles. But poor thing had to carry his house dvd player around the whole day. We reached the room and were shocked at the its puny size. We played more taboo and were shouting. Lucky no one called us about it. We went to Pasir Ris Park to play basketball. At first it was damn dark but the more we walked which was very long, the brighter it got so less scary. Then when we finally reached, the guys played basketball while we girls played in the playground. There was this big disk thing tilted at 45 degrees and you sit on it. The four of us tried to turn ourselves so we had to keep leaning to the one side so that we could make one full revolution. William was laughing at us all the way. Once we got it turning it was so fun. When we wanted to go the other direction, we were leaning somemore and he was again laughing away. We played the swings as well. It was bloody painful. There was some irritating springs so the swing went up and down. I found some other swings that were more stable but it couldn't go very high because it was made for small kids. I love the swings. Then later we were walking back and William, Zi Shen, Sam and I tried the maze. There were loads of freaking spiders. It was disgusting. We would have walked into a humongous spider web if I had not shone my light on the path ahead. Was still full of it when we came out. The 2 guys tried to scare us. Terence kept talking about what you should not do during like the 7th month during the trip there and back. When we reached back, we ate at Burger King. There Guang Zu and Wei Siew arrived.
Finished eating and we went back to the puny room. There was so many people so me, Amanda, Yilin, Sam, Rohan, Ben and Guang Zu went to play taboo again. Later went to take a bath and when I came out they were watching exorcist. Yilin and Sam were screaming. I didn't scream put I half looked at the gory parts. There was a part that was funny. The part where the 2 girls saw the girl there turn her head 180 degrees and then later screamed turned around and saw Ben who was sitting behind them pop his head up and they screamed again and louder. Very funny. We went to find Rohan and Amanda who were out for a midnight stroll and went to McDonald. Brought along uno to play. Finished one game and brought Amanda back to the room to bath. I fell asleep and later when I woke up, Rohan was there. Amanda said he had to wait for her to finish bathing because I was asleep and couldn't hear anything and opened the door for him. Went back to Macs again and had breakfast. Went to watch the sunrise at the park. Had to wait quite a while. Couldn't really see the sunrise but saw the sky change colour.

Then we 4 girls went back first. Tried to sleep. Then the guys came back. Some of us slept from about 8 to around 10. The guys wanted to cycle but the 4 girls, Guang Zu and G didn't wanted to go escape. We saw that so many rides were under maintenace so we didn't go but we went to play pool. I went with G to white sands because he wanted to change money. At the same time went to buy marshmallows. We joined the rest in playing pool. Very fun. G taught me how to play properly. We lost to Rohan and Ben. Ben when he play is kind of scary. Sometimes he uses to much strength so the ball misses and doesn't go in. We played for around 6 to 7 hours. During that period of time Janson came. Later at 6 we stopped playing and went for bbq. Is barbecuing that hard? We had to pick up Miss Luo and Hannah at different times. Before I forget Ben has a new haircut and he looks like Fido Dido from 7 up. After cooking, talking left only me, Hannah and Wei Siew. We had to clean up and went to find them. At that time Zi Shen came and we went home because he miss his baby brother I think. We left to find the rest at the arcade since the pool tables were full. Had to wait for about half an hour before one was free. Persistancy is the key. While waiting the guys played the footsie table. First game lost because I hit the eight ball into the wrong hole. Hannah and Amanda left. Went back to the room bathed and watched Shutter. In the toilet they accidentally switched off the lights I hope but I shouted at them to turn it back on and called them freaking assholes to turn on the damn lights. Kind of scary but some parts kind of gory. I would never watch any scary shows alone. After that people wanted to watch Mr and Mrs Smith. Went to sleep. It was about 2 or 3 plus can't remember. Slept all the way to about 6.45am. Hang around and washed up and later 7.15am had to leave because got mass.
So here I am back after sleeping from 1 to about 6 plus. I was shocked when I saw the time. Haven't done maths yet. Tonight looks like I not sleeping. Better start but going Ah Seah for dinner. I am so going to miss P15. I don't want these 3 months to end yet. I may start crying soon. So Ja.
-Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friends leave footprints in your heart-
8:47 PM

This is my permanent class P15! I miss T1 but they are all right. There is my teacher Miss Luo. She is a nice teacher. She teaches me Chinese. Then let me introduce the rest another day. I have to sleep. Tomorrow still have school. Have bloody P.E tomorrow. Friday there is the jogathon. Then next week coming out O' Level results. So scared. Now have to read some narnia before I go and sleep. Oh yah. So sick today my phone screen crack. I pray Panasonic will change for me. I am still in debt so I cannot get another phone. Somemore I have only used it for only 3 weeks. So unlucky. My bag broke too. Hopefully all these not so good things will become better luck for the results that are coming out next week.
Ja. Oyasumi.
-Some people make the world special by just being in it-
11:39 PM